Mom Psych

Gina-Thumb-x85pHow do we become who we are? Why do we do the things we do? Why do relationships go wrong? Why do they go right? Why do all of our little behavioral quirks, biases and idiosyncrasies add up to huge global problems a lot of the time?

Gina Stepp digs up the latest psychology and neuroscience research to see whether we can shed light on the answers to some of these questions. But we won’t just read a study and toss it away. We’ll try to connect it to the big picture and make it relevant to all of our family, social and workplace relationships—both online and off. This is not your usual ‘pop psych.’

Aunt Psych

Jo-Savoia-x85pAunt Psych is JoAnn Savoia (Jo), Mom Psych’s sister-in-law in real life. Widowed by the too-early passing of Mom Psych’s brother, JoAnn finds herself in high demand as literal Aunt to 10 nieces and nephews and Acting Aunt to almost that many young, second cousins. If all of this wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she’s also a financial wizard with an MBA.

The EQ Psych

SamAlibrandoHB-Thumb-x85pEQ is the relatively new science of Emotional Intelligence. Researchers are finding that emotional intelligence, our individual capacity to be aware of, control, and express emotions effectively, is important in enabling us to navigate our interpersonal relationships with empathy and, well . . . intelligence. Evidence continues to accumulate linking emotional intelligence to success in many important areas of our lives, among them personal and work relationships.

Dr. Sam Alibrando is a clinical psychologist, organizational consultant, speaker, and author of Follow the Yellow Brick Road: How to Change for the Better When Life Gives You Its Worst. His original model, the Interpersonal Triad, uses the beloved story of Dorothy and her journey through the Land of Oz to illustrate life-changing psychological principles founded on the science of emotional intelligence.

Trauma Psych

tom-cloyd-Thumb-x85pTom Cloyd is a licensed mental health therapist specializing in treatment of trauma and PTSD. In addition to blogging at Mom Psych, he is also co-author of Trauma! A PTSD Blog at Healthy Place, and the Sleight of Mind blog – devoted to “the profession, politics, and practice of mental health”.

Committed to educating the public about the effects of trauma as well as helping those who suffer them, Cloyd founded the Trauma and Dissociation: Education and Advocacy community on Google+ as a tool for people who are passionate about advancing public awareness of psychological trauma and dissociation, and interested in discussing constructive ways of dealing with each.

Teacher Psych

Kelly-Thumb-x85pTeacher Psych is a credentialed, formerly full-time teacher who is taking a temporary break from school to be a stay-at-home teacher for her daughter. She’s “still teaching, just in a new location.”

Grandma Psych

RuthNemzoff-Thumb-x85pGrandma Psych is written by Dr. Ruth Nemzoff. Currently a resident scholar at The Brandeis University’s Women’s studies Research Center, Nemzoff is also a former adjunct assistant professor at Bentley College. In her various roles as scholar, activist, and counselor she continuously endeavors to shed light on the fundamentally important relationships in people’s lives. Her wisdom and expertise on a remarkable range of topics such as family dynamics, gender, women in the workplace, communication, mothering, and Jewish education, to name but a few, is truly unique.

Girls Take Action

Troop-Crest-3225-ThumbGirls Take Action is a new blog by a troop of Girl Scouts who are passionate about fostering change. As they work on their badges and toward their Silver and Gold awards, they will be blogging about their efforts and working to raise awareness among the online community.

Please join them, and help by sharing their posts. Together we can foster greater understanding and do our part to make a difference.

Recovery, Support and Insight Bloggers:

Inside Anorexia

LaurenParkes-Thumbx85pSeveral notable research studies have begun to shed light on some of the biological influences that contribute to anorexia, and have pointed the way to potential new treatment approaches. While Mom Psych regularly covers this research, those who suffer from the disorder also need insight, support and encouragement from those who have been where they are. Blogger Lauren Parkes is very intimately acquainted with the challenges of living with an eating disorder. Her self-honesty—together with her passion for this topic—help to make her writing compelling and her message vital.

Inside Outside

The Outstanding IndividualGraham Kroker also offers an insider’s perspective on eating disorders. However, his gender also places him on the outside of common assumptions about these issues, since the existing research focuses mainly on the female experience. While it is often assumed that women suffer from eating disorders at higher rates than males, research has only just begun to challenge this notion.

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